Author: Diana Garza
Edition: 2
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Phlebotomy Simplified (2nd Edition)
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esigned for beginning health care students and practitioners,
Phlebotomy Simplified, Second Edition is an easy, step-by-step, practice-oriented approach to blood collection procedures for use in diverse settings, including hospitals, ambulatory clinics, home health care, and pediatric clinics. It brings together all the entry-level competencies healthcare workers need, including communication, clinical, technical, and safety skills. Building on the format of the popular First Edition, this edition is updated to reflect the latest Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) an Get Phlebotomy Simplified our bestseller medical books.
Phlebotomy Simplified Download
esigned for beginning health care students and practitioners,
Phlebotomy Simplified, Second Edition is an easy, step-by-step, practice-oriented approach to blood collection procedures for use in diverse settings, including hospitals, ambulatory clinics, home health care, and pediatric clinics Building on the format of the popular First Edition, this edition is updated to reflect the latest Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) an
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