Author: Susan S. Ellenberg
Edition: 1
Binding: Kindle Edition
ISBN: B000PY456G
Category: Medical
Edition: 1
Binding: Kindle Edition
ISBN: B000PY456G
Category: Medical
Data Monitoring Committees in Clinical Trials: A Practical Perspective (Statistics in Practice)
There has been substantial growth in the use of data monitoring committees in recent years, by both government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry. Download Data Monitoring Committees in Clinical Trials medical books for free.
This growth has been brought about by increasing recognition of the value of such committees in safeguarding trial participants as well as protecting trial integrity and the validity of conclusions. This very timely book describes the operation of data monitoring committees, and provides an authoritative guide to their establishment, purpose and responsibilities.
* Provides a practical overview of data monitoring in clinical trials.
* Describes the purpose, responsibilities and operation of data monitoring committees.
* Provides directly applicable advice for those managing and Get Data Monitoring Committees in Clinical Trials our bestseller medical books.
Data Monitoring Committees in Clinical Trials Download
This growth has been brought about by increasing recognition of the value of such committees in safeguarding trial participants as well as protecting trial integrity and the validity of conclusions. This very timely book describes the operation of data monitoring committees, and provides an authoritative guide to their establishment, purpose and responsibilities.
* Provides a practical overview of data monitoring in clinical trials.
* Describes the purpose, responsibilities and operation of data monitoring committees his growth has been brought about by increasing recognition of the value of such committees in safeguarding trial participants as well as protecting trial integrity and the validity of conclusions. This very timely book describes the operation of data monitoring committees, and provides an authoritative guide to their establishment, purpose and responsibilities.
* Provides a practical overview of data monitoring in clinical trials.
* Describes the purpose, responsibilities and operation of data monitoring committees.
* Provides directly applicable advice for those managing and
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