Author: Robert E. Owens
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0205487874
Category: Medical
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0205487874
Category: Medical
Introduction to Communication Disorders: A Lifespan Perspective (3rd Edition)
Introduction to Communication Disorders: A Life Span Perspective, Third Edition,is a comprehensive overview of the fields of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, written in an appealing and highly readable manner. Download Introduction to Communication Disorders medical books for free.
This best-selling text catalogs and discusses each disorder with an emphasis on how the disorder impacts the individual. It serves as a foundation by providing many viewpoints for the introductory student, offering personal stories from people with communication disorders and examining the field from a lifespan perspective. In addition, the text discusses the best models of good practice and approaches for assessment and intervention based on the authors' own clinical experiences. Each chapter describes a specific disorder, related Get Introduction to Communication Disorders our bestseller medical books.
Introduction to Communication Disorders Download
Each chapter describes a specific disorder, related
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