Author: Marion Downs
Edition: 4
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Edition: 4
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Auditory Disorders in School Children: The Law, Identification, Remediation
The fourth edition of the classic text on Auditory Disorders in School Children extensively covers techniques for identifying hearing loss in infants and children. Download Auditory Disorders in School Children medical books for free.
Co-authored by leading specialists, the child-centered book provides important information on diagnosis and treatment of mild to severe auditory disorders, including screening and diagnostic testing procedures, hearing aids, cochlear implants, auditory processing disorders and much more. A key section has been added on ''The Audiology Home,'' which explores the possibilities of a family-oriented treatment center to achieve maximum benefit for each child with auditory disorders. Key features of the new edition:Covers a broad range of disorders, from mild to severe, to maximize your Get Auditory Disorders in School Children our bestseller medical books.
Auditory Disorders in School Children Download
Co-authored by leading specialists, the child-centered book provides important information on diagnosis and treatment of mild to severe auditory disorders, including screening and diagnostic testing procedures, hearing aids, cochlear implants, auditory processing disorders and much more Key features of the new edition:Covers a broad range of disorders, from mild to severe, to maximize your
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