Author: Carole E. Johnson
Edition: 1
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Edition: 1
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Introduction to Auditory Rehabilitation: A Contemporary Issues Approach
Introduction to Auditory Rehabilitation provides students with a solid foundation of essential auditory rehabilitation concepts, knowledge, and skills within the context of critical contemporary issues that successfully prepares future practitioners for service provision to diverse patient populations in the real world. Download Introduction to Auditory Rehabilitation medical books for free.
A While a "rubber hits the road" approach engages and immerses students in the real world of clinical practice and decision-making, a bevy of pedagological features including learning objectives, casebook reflections, learning activities, and review exercises to help readers to process and internalize the central issues, tools, and philosophies of the field.A A The first section of the textbook provides a con Get Introduction to Auditory Rehabilitation our bestseller medical books.
Introduction to Auditory Rehabilitation Download
A A The first section of the textbook provides a con
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