Friday, 17 February 2012

Language Intervention for School-Age Students Download

Language Intervention for School-Age Students
Author: Geraldine P. Wallach PhD
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0323040330
Category: Medical

Language Intervention for School-Age Students: Setting Goals for Academic Success, 1e

Language Intervention for School-Age Students is your working manual for helping children with language learning disabilities (LLD) gain the tools they need to succeed in school. Download Language Intervention for School-Age Students medical books for free.
Going beyond the common approach to language disorders in school-age populations, this innovative resource supplements a theoretical understanding of language intervention with a wealth of practical application strategies you can use to improve learning outcomes for children and adolescents with LLD. Well-referenced discussions with real-life examples promote evidence-based practice. Case histories and treatment strategies help you better understand student challenges and develop reliable methods to help them achieve their learning goals.Unique application-based focus c Get Language Intervention for School-Age Students our bestseller medical books.


Language Intervention for School-Age Students Download

Unique application-based focus c

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