Author: Ronald B. Hoodin
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0763779431
Category: Medical
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0763779431
Category: Medical
Intervention in Child Language Disorders: A Comprehensive Handbook
A valuable reference for students and clinicians, Intervention in Child Language Disorders: A Comprehensive Handbook focuses on interventions that have been shown to be effective in helping children overcome language impairments. Download Intervention in Child Language Disorders medical books for free.
The Handbook is comprehensive with regard to children's ages, covering language disorders in children from infancy to high school age. Addressing fundamental principles and clinical practice methods, this indispensable resource presents creative clinical ideas and treatment examples based on a firm theoretical foundation. Intervention in Child Language Disorders: A Comprehensive Handbook discusses language disorders resulting from a wide range of etiologies, including learning disabilities, mental retardation, physical Get Intervention in Child Language Disorders our bestseller medical books.
Intervention in Child Language Disorders Download
The Handbook is comprehensive with regard to children's ages, covering language disorders in children from infancy to high school age Intervention in Child Language Disorders: A Comprehensive Handbook discusses language disorders resulting from a wide range of etiologies, including learning disabilities, mental retardation, physical
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