Author: John Iliffe
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0821416898
Category: Medical
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0821416898
Category: Medical
The African AIDS Epidemic: A History
This history of the African AIDS epidemic is a much-needed, accessibly written historical account of the most serious epidemiological catastrophe of modern times. Download The African AIDS Epidemic medical books for free.
The African AIDS Epidemic: A History answers President Thabo Mbeki's provocative question as to why Africa has suffered this terrible epidemic. While Mbeki attributed the causes to poverty and exploita-tion, others have looked to distinctive sexual systems practiced in African cultures and communities. John Iliffe stresses historical sequence. He argues that Africa has had the worst epidemic because the disease was established in the general population before anyone knew the disease existed. HIV evolved with extraordinary speed and complexity, and because that evolution took plac Get The African AIDS Epidemic our bestseller medical books.
The African AIDS Epidemic Download
The African AIDS Epidemic: A History answers President Thabo Mbeki's provocative question as to why Africa has suffered this terrible epidemic. While Mbeki attributed the causes to poverty and exploita-tion, others have looked to distinctive sexual systems practiced in African cultures and communities. John Iliffe stresses historical sequence. He argues that Africa has had the worst epidemic because the disease was established in the general population before anyone knew the disease existed he African AIDS Epidemic: A History answers President Thabo Mbeki's provocative question as to why Africa has suffered this terrible epidemic. While Mbeki attributed the causes to poverty and exploita-tion, others have looked to distinctive sexual systems practiced in African cultures and communities. John Iliffe stresses historical sequence. He argues that Africa has had the worst epidemic because the disease was established in the general population before anyone knew the disease existed. HIV evolved with extraordinary speed and complexity, and because that evolution took plac
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