Author: Bruce J. Colbert
Edition: 2
Binding: Kindle Edition
ISBN: B007O10K1M
Category: Medical
Edition: 2
Binding: Kindle Edition
ISBN: B007O10K1M
Category: Medical
Anatomy, Physiology, & Disease: An Interactive Journey for Health Professions (2nd Edition)
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Download Anatomy, Physiology, & Disease medical books for free.
This engaging, conversational book introduces all the anatomy, physiology, and pathology concepts that students must master to succeed in the health professions. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, & DISEASE: AN INTERACTIVE JOURNEY FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONS, 2/eAis designed to promote true understanding, not mere memorization, and to help students make the lasting connections they need to thrive as practitioners. Throughout, well-placed "Pathology Connections" sections tightly link A&P concepts to pathologic processes. Analogies help students compare the human body to objects and processes they alre Get Anatomy, Physiology, & Disease our bestseller medical books.
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Analogies help students compare the human body to objects and processes they alre
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