Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders

The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0262112787
Category: Medical

The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders (Bradford Books)

A massive reference work on the scale of MITECS (The MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences), The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders will become the standard reference in this field for both research and clinical use. Download The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders medical books for free.
It offers almost 200 detailed entries, covering the entire range of communication and speech disorders in children and adults, from basic science to clinical diagnosis.MITECD is divided into four sections that reflect the standard categories within the field (also known as speech-language pathology and audiology): Voice, Speech, Language, and Hearing. Within each category, entries are organized into three subsections: Basic Science, Disorders, and Clinical Management. Basic Science includes relevant information on normal an Get The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders our bestseller medical books.


The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders Download

Basic Science includes relevant information on normal an

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