Edition: 2013
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Edition: 2013
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Principles of Deglutition: A Multidisciplinary Text for Swallowing and its Disorders
Principles of Deglutition is the first in class comprehensive multidisciplinary textbook to encompass the entire field of normal and disordered deglutition. Download Principles of Deglutition medical books for free.
It is designed as the definitive text for all those who desire to further their knowledge of the dynamic and expanding field of deglutology. The text is created to serve as a treasured reference for clinicians, educators and trainees from such diverse backgrounds as gastroenterology, speech language pathology, otolaryngology, rehabilitation medicine, radiology and others.
Principles of Deglutition brings together the state-of-knowledge from 12 disciplines involved in dysphagia through contributions of over one hundred thought leaders and master clinicians for the benefit of patients Get Principles of Deglutition our bestseller medical books.
Principles of Deglutition Download
It is designed as the definitive text for all those who desire to further their knowledge of the dynamic and expanding field of deglutology
Principles of Deglutition brings together the state-of-knowledge from 12 disciplines involved in dysphagia through contributions of over one hundred thought leaders and master clinicians for the benefit of patients
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